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애플 앱스토어에 앱을 첫 등록할때 반드시 알아야 할 중요한 정보

앱스토어에 등록은 Seller나 Company 이름은 한번 등록 하면 절대,절대 변경이 불가능하다.
이 정보는 첫 애플리케이션을 등록할때 설정할 수 있다.

Where do I set my company name that displays in the App Store and can I change that information once it is set?
Your company name is set by you when you upload your first app in iTunes Connect. This is part of your default settings and applies to all applications delivered through your account. The company name is also referred to as your artist name because this name displays on the App Store to organize all of your applications onto one product page. This allows App Store customers to view your entire catalog of apps in one location.

Your company name should be your legal entity name as contracted with the iPhone Developer Program. Once you enter your company name in iTunes Connect, it cannot be changed at a later date. This is a permanent setting.